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A woman sits on a hill with her horse as it enjoys peak performance with the help of our best equine probiotic.



Where It All Began

Our parent company, Wandler Probiotics, is a family-owned business with long-standing experience in the research, development, and application of probiotics.


The company first came to be in the mid-nineties when Niels Wandler, then living in Denmark, began experimenting with “good bacteria” in an effort to identify alternatives to dangerous antibiotics that were producing unwanted side effects in pigs, cows, and other livestock.


Over time, Niels discovered several medicinal plants that—when fermented using proprietary techniques—significantly enhanced the microbiome and intestinal health of animals.

Where We Are Today

Wandler Probiotics has evolved since Niels first began experimenting more than 30 years ago, but it remains a family enterprise with deep roots and a clear vision.


Lars Wandler, Niels’ son, has taken over the reigns of the company and serves as President. Lars, along with the rest of the Wandler Probiotics team, is committed to continuing the success his family has generated— which means continuously innovating and improving the ways in which we serve our customers.


Today, we produce several product lines for both animal and human consumption. Each product line is made with organic ingredients, and has been meticulously formulated over time to provide whole-body benefits to the consumer.


There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorite places is on the back of my horse.


Why Horse Probiotics?

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We decided to create probiotics for horses after realizing there was a significant and urgent need for a highly absorbable and affordable equine probiotic that could address the pervasive gastrointestinal problems these animals so often experience.

Overall, there are three primary reasons why supplements for horses are in high demand:



Many horses are not provided with adequate nutrition and care when they are sheltered (either in stables, trailers, pastures, or barns). These less-than-ideal living conditions can contribute to digestive issues and other health conditions, due to a lack of essential minerals and vitamins, and potential exposure to pests.


A high-quality and fast acting horse probiotic is one of the best defenses an owner has against these concerns.


Plus, a horse does not necessarily need to be neglected or cared for improperly to be affected by these conditions. Sometimes an outbreak can occur amongst animals that live in close proximity to one another, causing a disease to spread quickly. Other times, unexpected severe weather or other unforeseeable circumstances can cause animals to experience living conditions they typically are not subjected to.



In America alone, approximately 2.72 million horses are used for showing and another 840K are used for racing. In total, these activities have contributed more than $20 billion to the US economy (and that number will only continue to rise).


The horse industry is one of the major reasons why digestive supplements for horses are so needed. Trainers, competitive riders, breeders, and many other horse professionals rely on the health of their animals not just for their own personal satisfaction, but for their livelihood.



Horse owners really are a different breed. They truly see their animals as family members, and are willing to go above and beyond to see them thrive.


Horse ownership is expensive, time consuming, and comes with a huge amount of responsibility. Yet, for those who take on the challenge, there is nothing more rewarding than a healthy, happy horse.


For these owners, there’s no question about whether or not to buy horse probiotics. They understand how vital they are for overall gastrointestinal health and simply want the best for their beloved companion.

Cracked Earth

Interested in Learning More About Us?

We welcome you to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have, whether they’re about our company or our equine probiotics.

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